Hi all!, my first blog...how exciting.
Well... im 15 years old and i love to bake/cook. My dream is to own my own cafe, baking fresh cakes/desserts everyday, so will be posting a few of my future recipes.
I recently lost a lot of weight (24 kilos) on bodytrim, which is like a high protein low carb diet , i went from a size 14 to a size 8.
I am in year 9, and started my first job at a fast food outlet about 6 weeks ago.
I love animals and the ironic thing is im allergic to them, if i come in contact with an animal i break out in a rash and have to wash it off before it spreads. Doesn't stop me though ;)
I have 2 dogs and 3 cats, Butch is one of our dogs, hes a staffy x border collie (7yrs old). Lady is our other dog, shes a tan english staffy (1 year). Our cats are Sparkles (7), hidy (9), precious.(3)
I have two older brothers,one is married and one still lives at home.